Alfi, seorang karyawan yang bercita-cita jadi bos, ingin mendapatkan cinta Amira, teman sekantornya. Namun, masalah timbul ketika Via, gebetan abadinya, yang tadinya mengabaikan Alfi, mulai menujukkan rasa cinta. Di satu sisi, ketika Alfi dekat dengan Amira, ternyata Amira adalah anak dari bos di kantornya. Bos ini juga suka dengan Ibu Alfi, keduanya kebetulan sudah lama hidup sendiri. Dibantu dengan teman-temannya yang aneh, termasuk Sukun, karyawan ekspat dari Thailand, dapatkah Alfi menjadi bos baik dalam pekerjaannya, maupun percintaannya?
Alfi is a typical Indonesian employee: overworked, underappreciated, and wishing he can have his own business. Alfi lives in a rented house with his two colleagues, Rene and Aryo, as well as Sukun, another colleague from Thailand, who is weird but very caring towards his friends. Alfi's problem came when Jeremy, his boss, falls in love with his mother. Alfi needs to win Amira's heart before his boss wins over his mother. The problem becomes even more complicated when Via, Alfi's old crush, finally gives him a response. With the help of Sukun and his friends, can Alfi win the love of Amira? Can Alfi finally be the perfect guy?